viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


We were sitting there, day dreaming about god know what.. The professor didn't seem to mind, he carried on with his speach, to enthusiastic to care about anyone.

I watched the boy that was sitting to rows in front, his hair, chesnut and curly, stood out due to his white t-shirt. I stared, lost in thought to feel the constant pinch on my shoulder. Abruptly, Mr.Smith called my name:

-Mrs. Turner?
-Yes?- I answered, trying to focus.
-Could you pleas finish the passage?
-Um..- I hessitated.
-The one from Wuthering Heights....- he nodded toward my open book and I understood, reading with a clear yet shy voice:

'And there you see the distinction between our feelings: had he been in my place and I in his, though I hated him with a hatred that turned my life to gall, I never would have raised a hand against him. You may look incredulous, if you please! I never would have banished him from her society as long as she desired his.The moment her regard ceased, I would have tone his hands and drank his blood. But till then -if you don't believe me you don't know me- till then,I would have died by inches before I touched a single hair of his head'

He turned around when I was done, flashing a smile that showed me he was cuter than I'd thought. I barely melted if it wasn't  for Bonnie's lifesaving nudge.
Composture, find it; I begged myself. And I did, in a corner of my head. And then I lost it, the cat sitting next to him huged him, and stayed there.

I counted in my head: 1,10,15,25,30. And he pushed her away. And I was grininng my bigest grin.

The bell rang and I danced down the auditorioum stairs, still grinning, with Bonnie, Bru and Shandra at my feet.

Carta a Jamie Cook

No me pregunten porque, solo se que es asi. Sin razon alguna tenia que ser asi. Si, es una mierda, lo admito, pero no hay nada que qisiera mas, y no habria algo que quisiera mas que eso, EL.

Lo veia en todas partes, su nombre era un constante eco en mi mente. Veia sus ojos reflejados en cada rostro y me perdia en ellos, y el tiempo no significaba ... nada. Su sonrisa era mi sol, el cual me iluminaba todas las mañanas al despertar y estaba conmigo todo el tiempo.

Admito que en mi vida me he equivocado mucho, confundiendo sentimientos erroneos con amor, pero esto era distinto. Esto era lo que me motivaba todas las mañanas a levantarme y sonreir, era lo que me hacia creer que la vida era bella y habia cosas mas alla del dolor y sufrimiento.

El era todo lo que yo queria, podia tener todos los defectos del mundo, pero ante mis ojos era perfecto.

En mi vida nunca estuve segura de muchas cosas, pero sabia que si algo llegara a pasarle, volaria al rededor del mundo entero con tal de encontrarlo y cuidarlo, prometerle que todo iba a estar mejor. Tambien estaba segura de que si el muriese, encontraria una manera de morir con el, porque es mi razon para vivr, es lo que me hace ser como soy, es lo que me motiva a hacer lo que hago, lo que me hace tener fe.

Muchos pensaran que estoy loca, sinceramente no me interesa, pues yo fui feliz en mi locura y feliz morire, con el siempre dentro de mi corazon..

Te amo, I'm your love machine and baby I'll be yours 'till I stop breathing, I swear.. You mean everything to me, and I'm so little to you, and if you only knew, it'd be enough, I wouldn't care if you didn't love me back, it's too much to ask for, you don't even know me. But I'd be happy thinking I passed through your mind, even for a brief second.. I love you, I'll never get tired of telling you that, be sure of it. I love you ~